* RESTRICTED PERMISSION TO COPY NOTICE * Permission is granted to individuals to freely copy this program to use, evaluate, and share with others with the following restrictions: - NO FEE OR OTHER CONSIDERATION MAY BE CHARGED. - THE PROGRAM, FILES, AND DOCUMENTATION MAY NOT BE MODIFIED. - THE PROGRAM, FILES, AND DOCUMENTATION MUST BE DISTRIBUTED TOGETHER. - THE USER'S GUIDE MAY NOT BE COPIED OR REPRODUCED IN ANY WAY. - WRITTEN PERMISSION MUST BE OBTAINED TO DISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM VIA BULLETIN BOARDS, SOFTWARE LIBRARIES, COMMERCIAL MEANS, OR USER GROUPS. * USER PROFILE * We are interested in knowing more about our users. Please complete the lower half of the REGISTRATION-ORDER FORM and mail it to us. To print the form, at the A>, type, COPY ORDFORM.TXT PRN. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Press any key to continue... QW1.00J2JPRN2TXT_ p